Trainings FAQ's

Am I ready to teach?

Q: Am I ready to be a Yoga teacher and to teach?

A: That's a good question and this is where the teacher / student role is important. In India a teacher says that you are now ready to teach. In America the student is often dictating this.

A 200 hour certification is only the first step to teaching.

The 3 week training on Maui is where a teacher / student relationship develops and where you develop a sanga (community) with other students who are also on the path of teaching.

Then for the next 4 months you are required to submit home assignments and take 6 prepaid private lessons with Ted, either personally or by skype.

The purpose of this training program is that you collect the information during the 3 week MAUI training and then apply what you have learnt during your 4 month HOME study. With each assignment and private lesson your progress is monitored and adjusted as required.

The role of a teacher is to help guide you. Your role as a student is to develop a continuous practice (sadhana) and then teach others what you practice.