Food Sadhana

Noni Juice From Kauai

Ho'olono Offering Effective Hawaiian Herbal Remedies on Kauai

e31f11de1785111c17b5dcb344df2fdec80275f6Noni, Morinda citrifolia, has been used extensively in folk medicine by Polynesians for over 2,000 years. Noni is a traditional food and medicine in many tropical areas including the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, India, and the Philippines. Ancient Hawaiians used Noni fruit for both internal and topical applications. Noni is still used by the local population in Hawaii for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart health maintenance, abnormal growths, and other chronic disorders, though no controlled human clinical studies exist to support these uses.

But based on clinical practice and numerous animal studies, it is widely believed that the polysaccharide-rich substances found in Noni fruit juice attack abnormal cells and abnormal growths by stimulating body's immune system. In animal cancer studies, Noni juice treatments reduced the formation of abnormal cells in the heart, lungs, liver, and kidney and prolonged the life span of mice by more than 75%.

We at Ho'olono Natural Remedies provide the highest quality and potency in natural herbal formulas. The formulas are carefully mixed to have maximum benefits and lasting effects. All our ingredients have been minimally processed to maintain their maximum strength.

The herbs used are hand selected from local organic farmers or ethically wild crafted. Care is taken to preserve and increase the health and abundance in these areas. The wisdom and knowledge behind these formulas, has been handed down through generations and carefully preserved by the teaching and use of this sacred knowledge.


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