India Reflections


Love, understanding, tolerance and forgiveness, are all necessary and must be manifested at the individual level in personal interaction.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2008 (1st edn., 2009)", Chapter "A Letter from My Heart", pg. 58, by Revered Chariji


Generally people think that it is difficult – nay, quite impossible, to attain liberation in this very life. This, however, is a mistaken idea. Who knows, perhaps this very life of ours might be the last one, taking us towards liberation. Our Master's declaration is that a sadhak [seeker] can reach such a state not only in one and the same birth (lifetime) but even within a shorter period, if he is a diligent worker and has got a real guide.

Taken from the book "Complete Works of...


I have made a suggestion that you should all, all, every single one of you, don't think you are already at the bottom end, there's nothing more to give up. No! Every one of you should reduce your level of comfort. Tolerate. Toughen yourself.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2009 (1st edn., 2010)", Chapter "Simplify Your Life", pg. 129, by Revered Chariji


The world is full of duality: there is good, there is bad; there is light, there is darkness; there is life, there is death; there is vice, there is virtue. The wise man takes all that is good, rejecting all that is bad.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2009 (1st edn., 2010)", Chapter "The Purpose of Human Life", pg. 105, by Revered Chariji


We don't shine because of ourselves. Like the moon shines because of the sun, we shine because of what is in the heart.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2010 (1st edn., 2011)", Chapter "Questions and Answers", pg. 55, by Revered Chariji

Negate Desires

Be simple and in tune with nature. But modern life is not conducive to that unless we use our will power to negate desires.... Every time we use our will power, it grows stronger. So we have will power, which is supposed to be the power to help us to evolve, the intelligence which is supposed to help us to think what is good for us on this evolutionary way, and the two together (the intelligence and the will) to move us on the straight path towards evolution. Both act against us because of desire!


Teacher II

The teacher of teachers, you know, is only God. The second teacher is the guru. The third teacher is your life. For those who have no access to God or guru, life teaches very capably, provided you take life as a lesson to be learnt, to be mastered, and from which we have to evolve into what I would like to call a knowledge-less universe or world, which Sahaj Marg calls the Brighter World.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2009 (1st edn., 2010)", Chapter "Teach with Faith, Patience and...

True Civilization

True civilization is the creation of a society where all individuals strive for personal perfection by aiming at the proper goal. This can only be achieved by bringing balance into our existence, flying like a bird on two wings, the spiritual and material wings, with the two in perfect balance.

Taken from the book "The Principles of Sahaj Marg, Set 1 (Vols. 1-3)", Chapter "Our Daily Bread", pg. 232, by Revered Chariji


Teaching is a matter of love. To me it is a love affair where we adopt children and treat them as our own and try to pass on to them whatever we can, wisely, knowing their shortcomings as children, knowing the difficulties that we ourselves faced when we stumbled in our various tasks and subjects, so that you have an understanding of what the child is likely to face.

Taken from the book "HeartSpeak 2009 (1st edn., 2010)", Chapter "Teach with Faith, Patience and Love", pg. 149, by Revered...


We communicate by gross means at gross levels. But as we develop spiritually, the communication and the means of communication both become subtle. At the highest level of existence, it is as if heart speaks directly to heart, and whatever He thinks or feels is automatically and instantly felt in the heart of the devotee – a form of communication that I can only call 'resonance'. So we too have to try to develop by dropping our dependence on the grosser levels and methods of communication, and...