Daily Quotes

To get more flexible do I need to push myself in Yoga classes?

Discomfort or pain will disturb the mind and take away from the positive experience of the asana. We have a funny view of the path towards growth in the west, this 'no pain, no gain' mentality, which is completely off from what we are trying to accomplish in Yoga Awareness classes. You must instead work with awareness towards your own edge.
If your body is experiencing discomfort or pain it will disturb the mind and take away from the positive experience of the asana. It also can be counter productive to overstretch the body in any given asana. It is important that we remember this as we work through each yoga class with a level of attention without tension, and comfort without slackness. It is the space between the extremes that you will find the most beneficial state in which to practice. http://www.yogaawareness.com

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.
Posted Date : 11-08-2015
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Website: http://www.yogaawareness.com