English (United Kingdom) (en-GB - ID: 1)
AYURVEDA HEALTHCARE TRAINING Level 3 - Hawaii, Japan, India (weekends) 2.5 half days DEC 2024 (100595)
Hawaii, Oahu, Honolulu - Yoga Awareness Waikiki
2024-12-08 to 2024-12-22  Price: USD $500.00
15% Early Bird discount available if booked and paid before 2024-06-11
10% Early Bird discount available if booked and paid before 2024-08-10
5% Early Bird discount available if booked and paid before 2024-10-09

Includes the following
2024-12-08 Sun
DAY 1 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 06:00am to 11:00am
Opening and introduction, AyurYoga nyasa practice, Ayurveda ancient texts of Charaka Samhita and Ashtanga Hridayam, Nadi pulse reading review.
2024-12-14 Sat
DAY 2 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 06:00am to 11:00am
AyurYoga nyasa practice, Bhuta guna-s (attributes), tanmatra and indriya-s, Karma of food, Nadi pulse reading review.
2024-12-15 Sun
DAY 3 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 06:00am to 11:00am
AyurYoga nyasa practice, Ayurveda theory on dosha-s relationship with dhatu-s, Agni and ama, symbiotic therapy, Nadi pulse reading review.
2024-12-21 Sat
DAY 4 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 06:00am to 11:00am
AyurYoga nyasa practice, Guna-s of dosha-s, Lakshana-s of dosha, dhatu, mala, Srota-s (14 channels), Subdosha-s of prana, udana, vyana, samana, apana, Nadi pulse reading review.
2024-12-22 Sun
DAY 5 STUDIO OR ONLINE TRAINING (HST) Hawaii @ 06:00am to 11:00am
AyurYoga nyasa practice, BODAS - symptoms and treatment planning for health (balancers, purifiers, transformers). Case studies using Ayurveda herbal remedies (external and internal oils, tonics, liquids, jams, ghee-s, pills, miscellaneous items).
2024-12-22 Sun
On completion of your studio training you will receive the Yoga Awareness Level 3 certification. Studio training hours can be credited to then Yoga Awareness YAT500 Yoga Teacher training.
2024-12-22 Sun
HOME TRAINING (optional extra cost)
4 weeks of Ayurveda Sadhana (personal home practice). The purpose of the home training is to develop your Ayurveda sadhana, which is a tapas to understand and experience the effects that Ayurveda has on your system. Schedule a private session with a Yoga Awareness teacher, either online or in-person, to discuss your Ayurvedic needs and a daily home practice. At the end of each week you can then submit a weekly sadhana report for 4 continuous weeks. PRICE: 2x (45 mins each) private session + worksheets $150

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