Food Sadhana

Ayurveda in Daily Life - Kicheri ☆

Cleansing and detoxifying food and is used in Pancha karma, the Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation program developed in royalty India. The term kitcheri, pronounced kich-ah-ree (also called khichadi or khichdi), means "mix", and is mixture of humble ingredients that you might have easily on hand in an India kitchen at any time. Kitcheri is traditionally made of split yellow mung beans (dal)...

Big Avocado!! ☆ Ayurveda in Daily Life ☆ 

High content of Folic Acid, Mono-Saturated (Omega 3 fatty acids) fats, Vitamins(K, C, E, B5, B6), Potassium, Proteins, Anti-Oxidants, and Fiber. Regular consumption promotes cardio-vascular health by reducing cholesterol and providing one with healthy fatty acids.

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu HI, U.S.A.
Posted Date : 08-09-2015
Credited to:...

Vegan Mochi Cake & Star Fruit: after Yoga ☆

Star fruit: Vitamin C, antioxidants, flavonoids and fiber. Vegan Mochi Cake: dairy-, eggs-, and refined sugar-free from Peace Cafe, Honolulu.

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI
Posted Date : 02-09-2015
Credited to: Peace Cafe

Pitta Season - Ayurveda life ☆

Five Cooling Practices to Tame the Fires of Pitta. Summer is underway. Make sure to stay cool to keep pitta dosha in check.

Did you know that Pitta has five fires? In Ayurveda, the pitta dosha-being the elements of fire and water-has five fires or functions. These five forms of agni or fire all serve to provide or promote active transformation on some level...

Ayurveda in Daily Life - Honey ☆

~Honey to sooth a cough~ Honey proves a better option for childhood cough than OTCs Playing to the sweet spot of Egyptian tongues more than 5,000 years ago, honey is the world's oldest sweetener. Still valued for its natural goodness, the golden elixir is recognized today for its exceptional antioxidant qualities, which make it an immunity-boosting powerhouse with antiviral and antibacterial...

Homemade Almond Milk


In this Vata time of the year, ALMOND MILK can be a delicious, nutritious milk source. Almonds...

Maui Island Taro with an Ayurvedic Twist

Ayurvedic spices from Meta DohertyTaro, or Karo in traditional Hawaiian language, is a vegetable rich in history and cultural significance. Hawaiian lore tells the story of the Sky father Wakea and his Daughter Ho'ohokukalani who birthed a stillborn child. The chld was buried near their...

Maui Mangos, Sunshine Sweets

Haiku Maui mango food sadhana recipeStanding in the produce isle at Mana foods  I hear a tiny voice behind me speak up.  "What does a mango taste like mommy?" I turned around and, looking down, saw the wide eyed little girl curiously inspecting the island fruits.

I lowered...


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