Food Sadhana

Ayurveda in Daily Life ☆ Roti Indian Bread

Indian flat bread, made from stone ground wholemeal flour.
Ayurveda Point: Grains are kapha increasing in general. They are nourishing and help in building tissues, increasing energy etc. (kapha qualities). The addition of ghee increases the kapha qualities even more, but ghee is tridoshic in general and is good for pittas and vatas pacification, in general. Since it is hard to digest, wheat can pose some problems for vatas, but the addition of ghee is good to alleviate this problem and also makes the rotis more oily/unctuous, which combats vata’s dry nature. A balanced pitta’s digestive fire should be able to handle the wheat well. Also, the heavy, cold qualities of wheat help in balancing pitta’s light and hot qualities. Addition of ghee is very good for pitas.

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu HI, USA
Posted Date : 14-05-2016



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