Food Sadhana

Ayurveda in Daily Life - Kicheri ☆

Cleansing and detoxifying food and is used in Pancha karma, the Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation program developed in royalty India. The term kitcheri, pronounced kich-ah-ree (also called khichadi or khichdi), means "mix", and is mixture of humble ingredients that you might have easily on hand in an India kitchen at any time. Kitcheri is traditionally made of split yellow mung beans (dal) and basmati rice, along with digestive spices and ghee. This may be a little hard for us to wrap our Western minds around, as we hear more and more about grains being inflammatory and bad for us. But there is Ayurvedic wisdom to support kitcheri's healing properties. In Ayurveda, proper digestion is paramount to proper health and wellness. If we're not digesting, assimilating, and eliminating our food properly, disease can set in. kitcheri is offered as a mono-nutrient fast in Ayurveda, giving our digestive systems a much-needed break from having to digest all different kinds of food day in and day out. It's cleansing in the sense that it allows the digestive system to rest, and it's also nutritious and easily assimilated by the tissues. Click below to get the perfect tri-doshic kitcheri recipe with vegan and gluten-free variations as well as options for balancing each of the three doshas. I also have a buying guide for kitcheri supplies as well as the thermos kitcheri method for the perfect meal at lunch or for travel.

Masumi Muramatsu
Honolulu, HI, U.S.A.
Posted Date : 12-10-2015
Credited to: Jivaka Ayurveda News